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17 may 2011

Funny Emmett Cullen Quotes

  • “Eerie, isn’t it?” (Twilight Pg. 387)
  •  “You haven’t changed at all. I expected a perceptible difference, but here you are, red-faced just like always.” (New Moon Pg. 26)
  • “It doesn’t count until she’s conscious, Rose” (New Moon Pg. 498)
  • “I have to step out for a second. Don’t do anything funny while I’m gone.” (New Moon Pg. 26)
  • “I’m really glad Edward didn’t kill you. Everything’s so much more fun with you around” (Eclipse Pg. 93)
  • “Fall down again, Bella?” (Eclipse Pg. 342)
  • “You’re monopolizing the bride. Let me dance with my little sister. This could be my last chance to make her blush.” (Breaking Dawn Pg. 69)
  • “So it’s still standing? I would’ve thought you two had knocked it to rubble by now. What were you doing last night? Discussing the national debt?” (Breaking Dawn pg. 490)
  • “Hard to feel confident when you’re surrounded by horse-sized wolves.” (Breaking Dawn Pg. 745)
  • “Bout time somebody scored around here.” (Breaking Dawn Pg. 511)
Fuente:  Twilight Guide

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